The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) requires all major projects conducted on federally managed land, funded by the federal government, or requiring a permit from the federal government prior to implementation to be reviewed and analyzed to determine the potential impacts of the proposed project to the natural and human environment. The results of the analysis must be published and made available for public review. The federal agency involved is responsible for ensuring the NEPA process is properly completed and is the sole authority for issuing a signed Record of Determination (ROD) for Environmental Impact Statements, a signed Finding of No Signficant Impacts (FONSI) for Environmental Assessments, or a signed Categorical Exclusion (CE or CatEx) for small projects that have been previously determined to not result in any signficant impacts to the environment. If your project involves federal land, funding, or permitting, you will need to comply with NEPA before you may begin construction. Pathfinder Environmental can assist you with your NEPA compliance needs.