NEPA compliance services offered by Pathfinder include the preparation of Environmental Assessments (EA) and Categorical Exclusions (CE). We will craft the precise purpose and need statement and identify the specific details necessary to define the proposed action and alternatives for your projects. This critical step makes it possible to write a very complete and concise second chapter, which describes the proposed action and alternatives. After gathering all existing information available about your project, we will identify the components of the project that are likely to attract public and stakeholder attention. We will then prepare a detailed data needs assessment. This assessment will identify specific information that will be necessary for us to perform a thorough analysis of potential environmental effects as a result of your proposed project. NEPA documents must have a strongly defensible analysis of potential effects to ensure a smooth agency and public review process, which generally leads to the successful completion of NEPA compliance.
As your consultant, Pathfinder will complete the NEPA compliance process by receiving public comments, preparing an appropriate response to each comment, and preparing a Finding of No Significant Impacts (FONSI) and Decision Record, if requested by the lead federal agency. To complete a CE, we will walk the completed documents through the reviewing agency to ensure it is signed in the shortest possible time. Pathfinder can assist you with other environmental regulatory compliance requirements for your project as well. We hope to hear from you soon!