Projects often require biological surveys in order to provide federal and State conservation agencies with confidence in the biological impact analysis. Pathfinder offers first-hand biological expertise and a network of highly qualified associates that can perform wildlife surveys nationwide. All biological surveys are designed using standard, scientifically accepted survey protocols to focus on the discovery and identification of any and all special status species with potential for occurrence in a given project area. A typical biological survey report includes a target list of special status species with potential for occurring in the project area, a description of the habitat surveyed, a list of all species that were observed during the surveys, and a discussion of the potential for the occurrence of special status species. Upon completion of the field work, Pathfinder can prepare Biological Assessments and Biological Evaluations to meet U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Requirements. A list of biological projects completed by Pathfinder can be found under the Projects tab in the column on the left.
Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) [16 U.S.C. § 470f]
requires federal agencies to consider the effects of their actions on historic properties. Before this can be done, a records search and survey for cultural and archaeological resources must be conducted to determine if and where any such resources are present in the proposed project area. The quality of all work performed by Pathfinder and its associates is verified by Pathfinder prior to delivery to its clients.
Pathfinder can also assist you with Clean Water Act Section 404 & 401 permitting, public and stakeholder involvement and environmental review quality control services.